A guide to intentionality
First of all, we are not here to tell you what intention to set each day!
An intention is an intensely personal choice, there's as many possible intentions as there are people in the world.
A good place to start is to think back to some recent experiences where you perhaps feel you could have reacted in a more positive way, relative to your ideal reaction.
If you know a bit about yourself you might know some of your 'bad' habits or or things that you do by default without thinking about it. A very powerful way of changing some of these habits once you're aware of them is to choose that as your intention be it to encouge the 'doing' of something or the 'not doing' of something.
You want to quit smoking? Set an intention of not giving into the craving. Want to eat more healthily? Set an intention of getting your 5 pieces of fruit and veg. Want to get into shape? Set an intention of going for a 10 minute walk or doing 10 pushups or taking the stairs all day - not the lift or escalator.
Before you know it some of these intentions might become habits and once those habits start to stick you might start to see some real step changes in your life.
Put your intention somewhere you'll see it
One of the most effective ways to keep you intention clear is to put it somewhere you'll always see it. If it was a physical note you could put it on your fridge door, for example.
The web equivalent is to set it as your browser homepage, that way every time you open a new window or tab you'll see your intention. You'll be less likely to start to randomly search or scroll and it'll keep you on track.
To set your homepage to your intention you can use the url https://www.dailyintention.co/my and then follow the instructions for your browser on wikiHow.